NUR 696-001 - PMH NP: Substance Use Disorders Across the Lifespan Didactic
Course Objectives
1.Demonstrate knowledge of complex systems and skill in collaboration with others.
Compare and contrast models of treatment and their effectiveness/outcomes for different client ages and cultural backgrounds Analyze the legal issues related to treatment of substance using/dependent individuals Analyze the continuum of care for substance using/dependent individuals and their families and available local resources. Essential I, VII, VIII
2. Integrate theories and knowledge into practice to provide evidencebased quality care that is ethical, culturally competent, safe, efficient and cost effective to individuals, families, groups, communities and organizations.
Describe the major types of substance use disorders and their symptoms Differentiate between substance use disorder symptoms and other psychiatric Disorder symptoms, based on symptoms, history, and other presenting data. Essential II, III, IV, VII, IX
3. Use knowledge of healthcare policy to improve healthcare organizational, financial and delivery outcomes.
Identify the differences between and the strengths and weaknesses of abstinence-based treatment versus harm reduction-based treatment. Essential VI
4. Use information technology to design, implement, deliver, and evaluate health care.
Apply the DSM as a framework for differential diagnoses related to substance use. Understand treatment guidelines Essential V
5. Value and demonstrate integrity, excellence,respect, accountability, and cultural competence in all aspects of nursing.
Develop plans for integrating treatment (Psychotherapy & Pharmacotherapy) Formulate differential diagnoses using case studies. Essential VIII, IX
Research Presentation