NUR 681-001 PMH NP: Differential Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Clinical 

Course Objectives 

1. Demonstrate knowledge of complex systems and skill in collaboration with others. 

Collaborate with interprofessional agency staff for client care. Utilize supervision to improve clinical skills. Complete a thorough and systematic psychiatric history using psychiatric interviewing techniques. Establish differentiating diagnoses using the DSM, client history and evidence collected. Formulate a final diagnosis (is) for each individual assessed using evidence best and cultural considerations. Essential I, VII, VIII 

2. Integrate theories and knowledge into practice to provide evidence-based quality care that is ethical, culturally competent, safe, efficient and cost effective to individuals, families, groups, communities and organizations. 

Complete a thorough and systematic psychiatric history using psychiatric interviewing techniques. Establish differentiating diagnoses using the DSM, client history and evidence collected. Formulate a final diagnosis (is) for each individual assessed using evidence best and cultural considerations.  Essential II, III, IV, VII, IX

3. Use knowledge of healthcare policy to improve healthcare organizational, financial and delivery outcomes. 

Develop treatment plans using an integrated model (including psychopharmacology) for each client including appropriate referrals such as further testing. Document all data collected using appropriate formats. Essential VI

4. Use information technology to design, implement, deliver, and evaluate health care. 

Document all data collected using appropriate formats. Essential V

5. Value and demonstrate integrity, excellence, respect, accountability, and cultural competence in all aspects of nursing. Develop self -awareness and improve clinical skills. Essential VIII, IX 

Case Study with a Treatment Plan

case study two.pptx