NUR 616-001 - PMH NP ROLE II 

Program Outcome Course Objectives

1. Demonstrate knowledge of complex systems and skill in collaboration with others. 

Examine multifaceted leadership and influencer roles to initiate and guide change across complex healthcare systems. Evaluate state regulatory statutes related to advanced practice nursing. Essential I, VII, VIII

2. Integrate theories and knowledge into practice to provide evidence-based quality care that is ethical, culturally competent, safe, efficient and cost effective to individuals, families, groups, communities and organizations. Essential II, III, IV, VII, IX

Describe and critique scope, standards, liability risk, competencies, and certification for psychiatric-mental health advanced practice nurses. 

3. Use knowledge of healthcare policy to improve healthcare organizational, financial and delivery outcomes. Essential VI

Evaluate state regulatory statutes related to advanced practice nursing. Advocate for policy changes to remove practice barriers while increasing health equity. 

4. Use information technology to design, implement, deliver, and evaluate health care. 

Advocate for policy changes to remove practice barriers while increasing health equity. Essential V 

5. Value and demonstrate integrity, excellence, respect, accountability, and cultural competence in all aspects of nursing. 

Explore and analyze ethical and legal quandaries that are commonly confronted in advanced nursing practice. Essential VIII, IX 

Independent Practice Business Plan

616 Independent Business plan (eport).docx